An Inspiring Encounter

Recent tour with Cedric from Canada via France. ‘I remember the SS were driving a train to my village, and the Resistance was shooting at it. They hit a few inside, I think. The SS brought the train to the village. They took everyone from their homes and noted...

Ice Cream Season

The ever-growing queue outside The Best Ice Cream Shop In Berlin / The World (which I can see from the window of my apartment – why else would I have moved here?!) is testament to the rising temperature. Apparently a storm is on its way, but this is definitely...

‘Look Who’s Back’, 2015

I watched ‘Er Ist Wieder Da’ (‘Look Who’s Back’, 2015, based on the bestselling novel by Timur Vernes) expecting an innovative, controversial comedy with very questionable taste indeed – but essentially a gimmick. Instead I found an...